I can be found in other places in either photography features or by posting lovely guest posts. I'll refresh this page as soon as I can and I'll use it as a reference to the places I've been shown off at.

The lovely ashkamoo had linked to two of my pictures in a deviantART news article which kinda made my day and it certainly put a smile on my face in that morning. So, how is one to respond to this act of kindness? You can find it here.

Nickie at Typecast was looking for people to look after her blog by keeping it alive whilst she was away on holiday. I had applied and had my neat little place and amazingly, I totally forgot to mention it on my own blog being the idiot I am. Anyhow, you can find it here.

askamoo and lieveheersbeestje were requesting their supporters to submit works they can feature on their pages. Of course, I didn't give up the chance to get into it; free publicity is always nice. Find them here and here..

Once again, I have placed a guest post to Nickie at Typecast. And as you may find it's about something that I believe very heavily about. I really hope you check it out as I find the subject extremely important. Find it here.

Another photography feature from a user on DevaintART called inbalz93 which own a group which helps new photographers get their work into the wide world. They featured my work Ferris' Invention and a couple other people's work and I'd love for you guys to read it here.