Friday 24 September 2010

Workspace lurve

In this post, I thought I'd highlight the things that I meet with everyday in my own area of study, work and play:

You probably wanna click to see it bigger..

1. This is my guard lion which, for the moment, is suspended from a lanyard given to my aunt on her trip to Canada. Every desk should have one.

2. Mail and stuff of interest all held in a neat letter separator thing. A couple of things you'll find there are  WH Smith vouchers to be redeemed, a Blue Jays decal and the Sunday Times' Magazine profile on Lady Gaga. And a cable for something.

3. My notebook. It's almost never used daily but I find it useful to note down photography shoots which make up most of my daily thoughts. Note how it's never useful stuff, like chemical symbols for example.

4. My computer of choice (and a damn fine one too); Apple MacBook. I am forever using this when I'm bored or when I want to talk to friends on the internet and it's not that bad at it. Laptops are far more superior in my humble opinion.

5. Coffee. It's a must. This tumbler however was designed by Tri-costal Designs and I love it's typographic design.

6. BlackBerry and iPod. They're great buddies and surprisingly still going strong after years of abuse.

7. Notepads, stickynotes and other bits and bobs. Mainly used to keep notes to myself and for people to give me notes too. I'm such a traditionalist.

8. Various pens of various colours. I looooove my pens particularly the red one.


1 comment:

  1. nice photo! if only it was always that tidy.... *sigh...


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