"IMHO they should have made her wear a lightly less risqué top for a children's programme but that is exactly how she appears in her "suitable for children" pop videos. If she was dressed differently then maybe the young audience wouldn't have recognised her."She later goes on to say:
"If PBS hadn't pulled the episode then it would have blown over within two days.Now that they have, (and it is still available for viewing on YouTube) it is still being spoken about. In effect they have generated more media coverage for themselves AND Katy Perry, who just happens to have a new single out."
I can totally see what she means and I agree completly. Personally, I don't know why PBS didn't see this coming before even considering to book Katy Perry. Perhaps popular musicians are starting to become less kid-friendly then they were ten years ago (Lady Gaga and KeSha instantly spring to mind) and I guess Sesame Street are still adjusting to that.
Actually, scratch that: LADY GAGA FOR SESAME STREET!
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